Survey on the value and sustainability of Natural Stone

A material that has always been at the service of man in the creation of beautiful living spaces that are also comfortable, welcoming and long-lasting. And with reduced environmental impact. The LCA (Life Cycle Assessment), an environmental analysis of the life cycle sector, which has just been concluded, indicated as with use destination being equal, the stone slab is environmentally more advantageous than a slab in ceramic material. In addition, natural stone is a millennial material chosen for the most prestigious artistic and architectural works.
The survey will help us discover the knowledge of sustainability and the value of natural stone among students, professionals (such as architects) and in the commercial sector. Our goal is to increase awareness of the great value of choosing Natural Stone for projects.
At the end of the survey, you can leave your email to receive a copy of the Sustainability Manifesto and the LCA.

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All the information collected will be processed statistically and treated anonymously and aggregated exclusively for the survey.
Pietra Naturale Autentica

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